About NYG Research

NYG Lab has been on the cutting edge of gemological research, analyzing data on gems and their characteristics.

This effort becomes more challenging each time, as new gem sources emerge and new treatment processes and synthetic materials come onto the market.

During many investigations, field sampling and collaboration with leading scientists, our research team has revealed new insights into issues of major concern to the jewelry trade.

Geographic origin affects of a Gem's its market value, and consumers also want to know that their gemstones come from ethical sources.

Every gem and jewelry purchase would be a risk, if artificially enhanced gems and synthetics were left undetected.

NYG is dedicated to providing consumers the knowledge they ask for, and that's why research is at the very core and initial of NYG's nonprofit mission.

NYG Lab is one of the labs specializing in diamonds that is doing research, grading and education on high pressure high temperature (HPHT) treated diamonds.